Validation of the single individual human being is the motivating force of this new form of painting since 1969-72 and earlier 1952 it is a proposition in the field of art not an assumption
PorousPlane has its origins in the first composite body of human experience; the mother and child body
...it is a conversion of the art of painting opposing logocentric-autonomous-artforms of creationism-gods looking to the natural world of what is ... inventions are not needed to see that which naturally already is
... into the subject- seer-life-dependant construction of vision i.e. belatedly , into the current age of Einstein's World of Relativity [ E=mc² 1905 ]
... in the pre-word mark-ground unearthed by James Joyce's FinnegansWake; establishing that first there was the mark [ Bolombos artefact 77,000 BPE ] then signs , cuniform and hieroglyphics preceding the uncorporeal word as we know it , not only as a constructor of our lives but also as a destroyer of life
... in the pre-word mark-ground unearthed by James Joyce's FinnegansWake; establishing that first there was the mark [ Bolombos artefact 77,000 BPE ] then signs , cuniform and hieroglyphics preceding the uncorporeal word as we know it , not only as a constructor of our lives but also as a destroyer of life
... acknowledging the unique méasure of individual subjective emotional life brought to conscious reality through reason and investigation in the work of Sigmud Freud
... affirming emotion to being a primary faculty as well as our other sensory faculties in the seer- seen unified counter-intuitive reality.