Serebranniy Vek / the Silver Age
From Tatlin's first non-objective non-image construction of 1914 and Malevich's subjective unshaped plane Black square 1914-15; a synthesis became possible between Tatlin's fully somatic vision and Malevich's retention of retinal seeing; one oriented toward the field-of-vision of the viewer, the other away from it, out into space; different kinds of imagination Malevich's (vicarious) and Tatlin's (knowable)
A synthesis made possible by returning to the "tabula rasa and its renaissance in the substance of the plane-of-illusion since Malevich, the plane is emblematic of visual awareness itself
synthesis of Malevich retinal-subjective-plane and Tatlin's full restoration of somatic-vision
Kashmir Malevich Black Plane oil on canvas 80x80 cm 1914-15
Restoration of Somatic Vision
AWOL autochthonous drawing extended 2.10.24 pigment is drawn from the substance of the plane, double planed 221cm x 100 cm framed within the shape of seeing within the subject's field-of-vision
Vladamir Tatlin Construction Corner Cast 1914-15